Presentations and publications
Laoide-Kemp, A. (2023). Irish initial consonant mutation: disentangling phonology from morphosyntax. In M. Jaurena & Z. Metzler (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Western Conference on Linguistics (Vol. 29, p. 58-68). California State University, Fresno. (available here)
October 2024. Preverbal d’ and its interactions with the initial consonant mutation system in Irish. Invited talk for the Atelier de Phonologie (online - hosted in Paris). (PDF)
September 2024. Resolving the spell-out timing paradox in Irish historic tense lenition. Talk given at the 17th conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 17) (University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia). (PDF)
August 2024. Resolving the spell-out timing paradox in Irish historic tense lenition. Talk given at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the LAGB (Newcastle University). (PDF)
June 2024. Myopic effects in the Irish initial consonant mutation system. Talk given at Workshop on Myopia in Grammar (Universität Leipzig). (PDF)
June 2024. Two sources of initial consonant mutation in the Irish clause. Talk given at the LEL Postgraduate Conference (LELPGC24) (University of Edinburgh). (PDF)
May 2024. Two sources of initial consonant mutation in the Irish clause. Talk given at the 33rd Colloquium on Generative Grammar (CGG) (University of Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares). (PDF)
April 2024. Two sources of initial consonant mutation in the Irish clause. Talk given at the Manchester Forum in Linguistics (MFiL) (University of Manchester). (PDF)
February 2024. A strictly modular analysis of initial consonant mutation in Irish. Talk given at the 21st Sprachwissenschaftliche Tagung für Promotionsstudierende (STaPs-21) (online - hosted by Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest). (PDF)
November 2023. Irish initial consonant mutations: disentangling phonology from morphosyntax. Talk given at the Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL) (online - hosted by California State University, Fresno). (PDF)
June 2023. Irish initial consonant mutations: disentangling phonology from morphosyntax. Talk given at LELPGC23 (University of Edinburgh). (PDF)
July 2022. Irish initial consonant mutations: disentangling phonology from morphosyntax. Talk given at EdinMorph (Edinburgh Morphology Reading Group) (University of Edinburgh). (PDF)
June 2022. Irish initial consonant mutations: disentangling phonology from morphosyntax. Poster presented at ACTL Summer School 2022 (University of York). (PDF)
Dissertations and projects
(Note: the documents below were written under my maiden name “Lawless”)
April 2018. An optimality theory approach to initial consonant mutation in Modern Irish. MPhil dissertation (School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences, Trinity College Dublin). (PDF)
March 2014. Nonlinear electromagnetism in general relativity. Undergraduate dissertation (School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin). (PDF) (presentation slides)
January 2014. In search of the Stradivarius-like solutions in classical wave mechanics. Undergraduate physics project (School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin). (PDF)
December 2013. Alfvén wave heating model of an active region and comparisons with EIS observations. Solar REU project (Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics). Poster presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013. (PDF)